Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
532 lines
page ,132 ; print in condensed mode
title STROBE - Monitor a memory field for changes - P. Quale 3/87
cseg segment para
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:nothing,ss:nothing
org 2ch
env_seg dw ? ;pointer to our copy of environment
org 80h ;parm list starts here...
parm_len db ? ;its length
parm_char db 127 dup(?) ;the parms
org 100h
strobe proc near
jmp init ;go to once-only code
prog_id:db 'STROBE 1.02 '
db 'IBM Internal Use Only '
db 'P. Quale 03/87'
id_end equ $
; 1.01, 05/26/87: revised to incorporate changes suggested by Kevin McCarthy.
; The addresses being monitored can now be patched on the fly by patching
; new values into the fields intvect and intvect2, which have been
; changed from EQU values to doubleword pointers.
; 1.02, 01/13/89: STROBE now releases its memory when 'R'emoved. Also
; removed a potential BRS bug if a derivative program were to have an
; ASSUME DS:CSEG directive in the timer interrupt routine, by changing
; the exit statement from 'JMP OLDVECT' to 'JMP CS:OLDVECT'.
;-------macro to simplify window repositioning
posw macro name,row,column ;convert row/column location
name equ ((row-1)*160)+((column-1)*2) ;to position in video buffer
;-------macro to define field positions within the window
posf macro name,row,column ;convert line/column location
name equ corner1+((row-1)*160)+((column-1)*2) ;to pos in video buffer
db 0 ;waste a byte to align patch area nicely
old_vect label dword ;original timer vector saved here
old_ofs dw 0 ;offset
old_seg dw 0 ;segment
; keep old_vect as close to front of program as possible
;-------entries on this page are grouped together to facilitate
;-------changes in window location or storage area(s) being tracked
;-------next entries define the control block to be "watched"
;-------in this case, we watch to see when int 21 gets hooked
intnum equ 021h ;interrupt number we care about
intvect dw intnum*4,0 ;offset, segment (patchable)
prev_value dw 2 dup(?) ;its previous (or initial) contents
;-------any other memory fields of interest
intnum2 equ 02fh ;another interrupt number we care about
intvect2 dw intnum2*4,0 ;offset, segment (patchable)
;-------next three entries define the window size and location
posw corner1,1,62 ;upper left corner of window
posw corner2,1,80 ;upper right corner
posw corner4,5,80 ;lower right corner
;-------next entries define location of each field within the window
posf out1,1,1 ;moving blob goes here on line 1 of window
posf out2,2,10 ;entry count here at line 2 col 10 of window
posf out3,3,10 ;contents of major block being tracked
posf out4,4,10 ;yet another block being tracked
posf out5,5,10 ;cs:ip of routine running when timer went off
;-------end of EQUs, etc. peculiar to a specific application of STROBE
;-------next two equates are needed by the window-clearing code
windwid equ (corner2-corner1+2)/2 ;width in screen positions
winddep equ (corner4-corner2+160)/160 ;depth in lines
clknum equ 08h ;timer interrupt number
clkvect equ clknum*4 ;its vector address
;-------window attributes/colors used to indicate a value change
table_mono db 20h,70h,28h,29h ;normal, reversed, bright, underlined
table_color db 07h,04fh,2fh,5fh ;white on: black, red, green, magenta
max_change equ 3 ;n'color changes before we recycle (zero-based)
change_index dw (max_change) ;forces a start at first color
flags db 0 ;flag bits...
mono equ 01h
color equ 02h
sync equ 04h
vidseg dw 0 ;video segment address
vidsegm equ 0b000h ;video segment address if mono
vidsegc equ 0b800h ;video segment address if color
attrib db 0 ;screen attribute byte
tick_count dw 0 ;cyclic index into tick-display line
max_tick equ 18 ;limit for tick_count
blob equ 0feh ;timer-tick char. feh=small square, dbh=big one
entry_count dw 0 ;count of timer-tick entries to this program
count_carry db 0 ;how many times entry_count wrapped
ss_save dw 0 ;ss saved here upon entry
sp_save dw 0 ;sp saved here
;-------enter here on timer interrupt
assume cs:cseg,ds:nothing,es:nothing,ss:nothing
pushf ;preserve flags
;-------switch to our own stack
cli ;disable interrupts (and keep them that way)
mov ss_save,ss
mov sp_save,sp
push cs
pop ss
lea sp,stack_end
;-------save the rest of the registers
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push di
push si
push ds
push es
;-------set ds for our internal variables, es for video buffer
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:cseg
push vidseg ;set video segment address
pop es ;...
;-------make sure our stack size hasn't been exceeded
; (for testing; probably an unnecessary check now)
mov ax,0fefeh ;string that must still be there
cmp ax,stack_bottom ;has anyone overrun our stack?
je check_major ;no
tight_loop: ;yes, so stop right here and now
mov ax,05341h ;but leave tracks
mov es:corner1,ax ;upper left corner of window
jmp short tight_loop
;-------check to see if value of memory field we're watching has changed:
push ds ;save ds for a moment
assume ds:nothing
lds bx,dword ptr intvect ;load dword pointer
mov ax,ds:[bx] ;pick up first 2 bytes of field
mov bx,ds:[bx+2] ;next 2 bytes
pop ds
assume ds:cseg
cmp ax,prev_value ;still the same?
jne has_changed ;no
cmp bx,prev_value+2 ;still the same?
je clear_window ;yes
has_changed: ;new value. save new field value and
call save_major ;alert user by changing window background color
;-------clear the screen window and set the background color
mov al,20h ;get a blank
mov ah,byte ptr attrib ;pick up window color byte
mov di,corner1 ;where to start clearing
mov cx,winddep ;n'lines in window
call sync_cga ;avoid flicker during writes if CGA display
push cx ;save line count
mov cx,windwid ;width of window
mov word ptr es:0[di],ax ;clear one screen position
inc di
inc di
loop clrbyte ;loop for all positions this line
add di,160-(windwid*2) ;point to next line of window
pop cx ;all window lines cleared?
loop clrline ;no
;-------move blob from left to right on top line to indicate timer-tick rate
mov bx,tick_count ;blob's next position on the line
mov byte ptr es:out1[bx],blob ;get timer-tick character
inc bx
inc bx ;compensate for double spacing in video buffer
cmp bx,max_tick*2 ;have we reached the extreme right?
jna same_cycle ;not yet
xor bx,bx ;yes, restart blob at leftmost position
mov tick_count,bx
;-------for the curious, display count of entries to this routine
mov ax,entry_count
inc ax
jnz no_overflow
inc byte ptr count_carry
mov entry_count,ax
mov di,out2
mov ah,byte ptr count_carry
call cvtbh
call putchar
mov ah,byte ptr entry_count+1
call cvtbh
call putchar
mov ah,byte ptr entry_count
call cvtbh
call putchar
;-------get address of routine interrupted when timer went off
;-------by pointing into entry-time stack for its cs:ip
push ss_save
push sp_save
pop si
pop ds
assume ds:nothing
add si,2 ;point to saved cs:ip in stack
mov di,out5 ;where to display it
call disp_addr
;-------display the control block of major interest
mov ax,intvect+2
mov ds,ax ;set ds to segment to display
mov si,intvect ;offset to display
mov di,out3 ;where to display it
call disp_addr
;-------display any control blocks of secondary interest here...
mov ax,intvect2+2
mov ds,ax ;set ds to segment to display
mov si,intvect2 ;offset to display
mov di,out4 ;where to display it
call disp_addr
;-------done. restore the registers
pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop di
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
cli ;no interrupts during upcoming stack-switch
mov ss,cs:ss_save
mov sp,cs:sp_save
jmp cs:old_vect ;pass control to the routine we unhooked
;-------handle a change to the value of the field we're watching:
;-------1) save the new value
;-------2) switch to the next color
save_major proc near
push ax
push bx
push ds
assume ds:nothing
lds bx,dword ptr intvect ;load dword pointer into ds:bx
mov ax,ds:[bx] ;first 2 bytes to save
mov bx,ds:[bx+2] ;next 2 bytes
pop ds
assume ds:cseg
mov prev_value,ax ;save new value
mov prev_value+2,bx ;...
next_color: ;switch to the next background color
lea bx,table_mono ;assume mono screen
test flags,mono ;is it?
jnz test_max ;yup
lea bx,table_color
mov ax,change_index
inc ax
cmp ax,max_change ;have we used up all the colors yet?
jng get_next_attrib ;no
xor ax,ax ;yes, restart with the first
add bx,ax ;point to new attribute char
mov bl,ds:0[bx] ;pick it up
mov attrib,bl ;stash it for others to find
mov change_index,ax ;save index for next time
pop bx
pop ax
save_major endp
;-------if using a CGA display, synchronize to avoid flicker
sync_cga proc near
test cs:flags,sync ;did user tell us we're on a CGA?
jz sync_ret ;no, just return to caller
push ax
push dx
mov dx,03dah ;CGA status register
;-------the first 4 lines of code below seemed like a good idea,
;-------but the CGA flicker goes away without them (on an 8MHz AT),
;-------so they're commented out.
;;;;;;;;in al,dx ;wait until outside of vertical sync pulse
;;;;;;;;test al,08h
;;;;;;;;jnz sync_loop_1
in al,dx ;now wait for start of new sync pulse
test al,08h
jz sync_loop_2
pop dx
pop ax
sync_cga endp
;-------display an address in seg:offset form
; ds:si points to the address to display
; es:di is where in the video buffer to put the result
disp_addr proc near
mov ah,byte ptr ds:3[si] ;segment
call cvtbh
call putchar
mov ah,byte ptr ds:2[si]
call cvtbh
call putchar
mov byte ptr es:[di],':' ;semicolon
add di,2
mov ah,byte ptr ds:1[si] ;offset
call cvtbh
call putchar
mov ah,byte ptr ds:0[si]
call cvtbh
call putchar
disp_addr endp
;-------convert the byte in ah to ascii hex and pass result back in ax
hextabl db '0123456789ABCDEF' ;the hex alphabet
cvtbh proc near
push bx ;save
mov al,ah ;duplicate the argument byte
shr ah,1 ;shift left nybble over by 4
shr ah,1 ; ...
shr ah,1 ; ...
shr ah,1 ; ...
and ax,0f0fh ;yields two indices into hex table
xor bx,bx ;get a zero
mov bl,ah ;index value for left nybble
mov ah,cs:hextabl[bx] ;pick up corresponding table char
mov bl,al ;index for right nybble
mov al,cs:hextabl[bx] ;pick up table char
pop bx ;restore
ret ;return with the answer in ax
cvtbh endp
;-------put a pair of ascii hex digits into video buffer
putchar proc near
mov es:0[di],ah
mov es:2[di],al
add di,4 ;bump index as a convenience to caller
putchar endp
stack_bottom dw 0fefeh ;stack underrun sentinel
stack db 50 dup('STACK ') ;our own stack, probably too big
resident_paras equ ($-1-cseg)/16 ;padding to bring us to...
org (resident_paras+1)*16 ;next doubleword boundary
stack_end equ $ ;end of resident code
;-------begin one-time initialization code...
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg,ss:cseg
;-------see if any parms given:
; M use Monochrome display
; C use Color display
; S Synchronize to avoid CGA flicker
; R Remove (unhook) an active copy of STROBE
mov ah,'R' ;look for 'R'emove
call parmchk
jne chk_parm_2 ;not found
jmp remove
mov ah,'M' ;look for 'M'ono
call parmchk
je setup_mono ;found
mov ah,'S' ;look for 'S'ync
call parmchk
jne chk_parm_3 ;not found
or flags,sync
mov ah,'C' ;look for 'C'olor
call parmchk
je setup_color ;found
;-------no user screen-choice, so default to the active screen
int 011h ;ask BIOS what equipment we have
and al,not 030h ;isolate screen bits
cmp al,030h ;video mode = mono?
jne setup_color ;no
or flags,mono ;set up for monochrome display
mov vidseg,vidsegm ;...
jmp short finish
or flags,color ;set up for color display
mov vidseg,vidsegc ;...
;-------release our copy of the environment
push es ;save es
mov ax,env_seg ;point es to our copy of the environment
mov es,ax ;...
mov ah,49h ;subfunction = free allocated memory
int 21h ;do it
pop es ;restore es
call save_major ;save comparand & set up initial window color
;-------save current interrupt 08 vector; set up to intercept its interrupts.
;-------note that although a copy of us may already be resident, we don't care:
;-------the copy will get a turn to do its stuff (hopefully in another window)
xor ax,ax ;get a zero
mov ds,ax ;point ds to interrupt vectors
assume ds:nothing
cli ;no interrupts just now
mov di,ds:clkvect ;pick up offset that's there now
mov es:old_ofs,di ;stash it
lea ax,timer_int ;our own interrupt handler offset
mov ds:clkvect,ax ;replace the old offset
mov ax,ds:clkvect+2 ;pick up segment that's there now
mov es:old_seg,ax ;stash it
mov ds:clkvect+2,cs ;replace the old segment address
sti ;enable interrupts again
;-------terminate and stay resident
lea dx,stack_end ;get size of resident portion
shr dx,1 ;convert to paragraphs
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
mov ah,31h ;subfunction = tsr
xor al,al ;exit code = zero
int 21h ;exit
;-------remove an active copy of ourself by restoring
;-------its saved interrupt vector and freeing its memory
msg_not_hooked db 'No active copy of STROBE was found',0dh,0ah,'$'
;-------we can only do this if interrupt 08 vector points to a copy of us
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
assume es:nothing
mov ax,es:clkvect+2 ;ax = cs of interrupt handler
mov es,ax ;point es to potential copy of us
lea si,prog_id ;point to our program id and version
mov di,si
mov cx,id_end-prog_id ;number of bytes that must match
cld ;left-to-right, please
rep cmpsb ;is it a copy of us?
jne nocando ;no
xor ax,ax ;yes, unhook it from interrupt 08 chain
mov ds,ax
assume ds:nothing
mov ax,es:old_seg ;restore interrupt vector the copy of us saved
mov ds:clkvect+2,ax
mov ax,es:old_ofs
mov ds:clkvect,ax
;-------release memory occupied by copy we just unhooked
mov ah,49h ;subfunction = free allocated memory
int 21h ;do it (es still points to the copy)
jmp short exit_remove ;all done.
lea dx,msg_not_hooked
push cs ;be sure we have a good ds
pop ds ;...
mov ah,09h ;subfunction = output to display
int 21h ;display the msg
ret ;exit program
;-------search for a user parm matching the character in ah
parmchk proc near
xor ch,ch
mov cl,parm_len ;length of parm list
jcxz not_found
mov al,ah ;duplicate the argument
add al,020h ;lowercase it
xor bx,bx ;set search index to zero
cmp al,parm_char[bx]
je was_found ;match; exit leaving zf = on
cmp ah,parm_char[bx]
je was_found ;match; exit leaving zf = on
inc bx
loop next_char
cmp ah,al ;set zf = off
parmchk endp
strobe endp
cseg ends
end begin